- Annual dues are due. $40 payment can be made via Zelle, check or cash. See the Membership page for instructions.
- Happy Hour is back. Join us Monday, Sept 12, at 6:30 at Churrascos. We will celebrate our VCCA volunteers.
- Parents and caregivers join All in the VCCA Family on Sept 30 at 7:30 at La Grange.
- Happy 100th birthday Evelyn Garner!
- Meet your neighbor Tom Oxford.
June 2022
- VCCA is taking a summer break. Most activities will not be held in July and August. The monthly Coffee, however, will continue on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am.
- The last Happy Hour before the summer break is Monday, June 13 at 6:30 at Churrascos.
- The All in the VCCA Family is hosting an Ice Cream Social on Sunday, June 12 at 4:00 at 1475 W. Gray.
- VCCA All in the Family is compiling a network of qualified babysitters.
May 2022
- Spring Picnic is Sunday, May 15. Festivities start at 4:00 pm at 1605 Woodhead. Email hix@rmi.net to volunteer.
- Happy Hour is Monday, May 9 at 6:30 pm at Churrascos.
- Constable program is a risk. Please join!
- Chalk drawing art.
April 2022
- Chalk Drawing Festival is all day Saturday, April 9
- Join the Constable Patrol Program
- Happy hour is Monday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Churassco’s
- All in the VCCA Family is having a parent’s night on Friday, April 25 at 7:30 p.m. at Brasil’s
- Residential fence rules and guidelines
March 2022
- Monarch Chamber Players return on Sunday, March 27 at 7PM at 2025 Fairview (Dr Harvey’s Dental Office).
- Happy Hour continues on the 2nd Monday of the month in the bar at Churrascos at 6:30PM.
- Newsletter editor changes.
- Chalk Drawing Festival is scheduled for April 9.
- All in the VCCA Family has elected new officers and new activities are being added to calendar.
- Meet your neighbor Frank Price.
February 2022
- Monthly Coffee will now meet at Empire Cafe on Westheimer at Elmen. It will continue to be the first Wednesday of the month at 10AM.
- Upcoming Events: Monarch Players, Chalk Drawing Festival, Pet Blessing.
- VCCA needs your help to work as a team to address water leak on Hazard near Indiana, and a regular pickup schedule for recycle bins.
- Happy hour will continue on the 2nd Monday of the month in the bar at Churrasco’s at 6:30PM.
- ‘All in the VCCA Family’ welcomes parents and caregivers of children in the neighborhood
January 2022
- Happy Hour at Churrascos returns January 10 at 6PM in the bar area
- Meet the Graffiti Removal Committee
- Vermont Commons Moms Group has been renamed to “All in the VCCA Family”
- Pictures of holiday decorations and caroling on Brun St