June 2022

VCCA is taking a summer break.  Most activities will not be held in July and August. The monthly Coffee, however, will continue on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am. The last Happy Hour before the summer break

May 2022

Spring Picnic is Sunday, May 15. Festivities start at 4:00 pm at 1605 Woodhead. Email hix@rmi.net to volunteer. Happy Hour is Monday, May 9 at 6:30 pm at Churrascos. Constable program is a risk. Please join! Chalk drawing art. Click

March 2022

Monarch Chamber Players return on Sunday, March 27 at 7PM at 2025 Fairview (Dr Harvey’s Dental Office). Happy Hour continues on the 2nd Monday of the month in the bar at Churrascos at 6:30PM. Newsletter editor changes. Chalk Drawing Festival

February 2022

Monthly Coffee will now meet at Empire Cafe on Westheimer at Elmen. It will continue to be the first Wednesday of the month at 10AM. Upcoming Events: Monarch Players, Chalk Drawing Festival, Pet Blessing. VCCA needs your help to work